<body> Public Ad Campaign: And These are the Type of Emails We Get...
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

And These are the Type of Emails We Get...

I hope you are doing well!

I just wanted to let you know about Mediacy, Inc., a highly creative and resourceful advertising company dedicated to such out-of-the-box forms of place-based marketing as: The Sandwich Wrapper, and Ad-Jackets. By researching current trends, Mediacy, Inc. has found an untapped market in the out of home arena, and they have developed a new and unique ad vehicle with customized distribution…the best part? It’s a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising.

Already, major companies such Showtime, L.A. Public Health, COX Cable, Summerstage and Random House are using Mediacy, Inc., to penetrate the market and attract the exact customer they wish to reach.

To serve as an example and better highlight the company, I have posted the Sandwich Wrapper’s press release below and attached its picture.

Let me know If I can provide you with any further types of information, pictures or examples!

I hope to hear from you!

Many thanks!


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