<body> Public Ad Campaign: Something Happened Yesterday That We Cannot Qualify
This blog is a resource for ad takeover artists and information about contemporary advertising issues in public space. If you have content you would like to share, please send us an email.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Something Happened Yesterday That We Cannot Qualify

This is what it looked like at 13th St. and Washington for a moment after Mrs. Beth had her say in the meat packing industry. The before image below is what it looked like prior to her intervention.

Her incredible takeover was a part of something much larger and something we will report on as information comes in.

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Blogger melle said...

? that's clearly not the same spot -- no red back ground on the "before", different ceiling pipes etc. If you don't have an actual "before" image, why not just say the spot looked something like the image below before the installation?

Blogger Jordan Seiler said...

this spot that i call out as the before images is about 20 feet from the location where the artwork was posted. sorry, in the heat of the moment I posted that image. you are astute but i dont think your observation makes a difference. these billboards are both on west 13th and washington. good enough?


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