<body> Public Ad Campaign: El Mac & Retna Next To Empty NPA Ad Frame
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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

El Mac & Retna Next To Empty NPA Ad Frame

This image comes to us via Vandalog and I can't say enough good things about the two artists, but that's not what interests me about this image. Notice the empty NPA advertising billboard in the left hand corner. It is highly likely that the artists painted it over so the advertisements did not distract from their piece. It's also highly likely that it was white to begin with given the recent misfortunes of NPA. Either way what is important is that you can picture the juxtapostion of advertising and artistic imagery and how the differences in intent required that this ad frame be washed of its corporate content to allow the artistic piece your undivided attention. How incredibly incompatible would the two different contents be had the advertising been left.

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