<body> Public Ad Campaign: RIPO And Difusor In Spain
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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

RIPO And Difusor In Spain

RIPO just sent me these images from Spain. He knows I'm a sucker for ad takeovers and the Spaniards have a knack for this sort of thing. He explains the simple but affective tactics like this...

"The unfortunate thing for Catalan billboards is that the only difference between Anuncia’t (advertise yourself) and Denuncia’m (report me to the authorities, or press charges on me) is three letters, a lick of paint, and a couple of minutes of work

At the same time that same message that is worth “vandalizing” can be empowering if painted onto a wall without any permission."

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Worship vigilantism ! Yay..


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