<body> Public Ad Campaign: 210 7th Avenue at it Again
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Thursday, September 16, 2010

210 7th Avenue at it Again

We have reported about this location several times in the past after Chelsea Now wrote an article about the absentee landlord and his interest in profiting off his building through un-permitted illegal outdoor advertising. I believe InWindow Outdoor was initially responsible for the illegal ads when the building was receiving heavy copy last year, but they have all but vanished from NYC due to their illegal business model and the dedication of PublicAdCampaign and all the readers that helped us track down their illegal signage. It seems the building owner decided we had all forgotten about his shenanigans but alas he was mistaken. Because there are no permits for this monstrosity on the DOB BIS website, we had to call it in. We were given complaint number 1289364 and await the DOB's response.

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