<body> Public Ad Campaign: Disobedience + Innovation: Inspiring Change
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Friday, October 15, 2010

Disobedience + Innovation: Inspiring Change

I will be a part of a panel discussion on disobedience and innovation at the Eyebeam Art and Technology Center this October 28th. Please come by to engage what will surely be a lively discussion and investigation of the benefits and pitfalls of progressive civil disobedience.
In collaboration with Emerging Leaders of New York Arts, Eyebeam has invited Katyal and a group of artists, innovators, writers, and activists to discuss their views on the relationship between forms of civil disobedience and innovation. Some questions we’re asking are: What role does disobedience play in inducing innovation, and who lives in the grey areas of the law? Is innovation always a social practice? What makes an initiative successful - is it larger systemic change or policy change? Broader awareness? Hits? Links? Reblogs/tweets? How does financial viability come into play when looking toward innovation? What about productivity, innovation, and the arts--how can some forms of disobedience play a role in furthering creativity?

Stephen Dumcombe, Associate Professor at New York University; author of Dream: Re-Imagining Progressive Politics in an Age of Fantasy; editor, Cultural Resistance Reader

Sonia K. Katyal, Professor of Law at Fordham Law School
Brooke Singer, Eyebeam Fellow; Media Artist & Associate Professor of New Media at Purchase College, State University of New York
• Jordan Seiler, founder of PublicAdCampaign
Fred Benenson, Digital Activist / Artist / etc; R&D, Kickstarter

Tentative bonus guest:
Andrew Boyd, Chairman of the Blurb, Agit-Pop Communications; Co-Founder, The Other 98%; Founder, Billionaires for Bush; Troublemaker@Large, Planet Earth

REGISTER: http://bit.ly/Oct28cc

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