<body> Public Ad Campaign: Antipub: Montauban et les 400 panneaux-petit documentaire
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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Antipub: Montauban et les 400 panneaux-petit documentaire

Sadly I do not speak French so I was not able to enjoy this video, but I get the gist. I had a nice dinner with one of the activists involved in the Antipub movement a while back and he explained their organization well. For those who do speak French, please enjoy, and tell me what you think in the comments. http://paysagesdefrance.org

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Blogger lynx said...

These past few years Paysages de France has had over
10 000 illegal hoardings and signs removed in France and had the government condemned (with an amend paid to the association) 50 times for non enforcement of the (pretty laxist) environment law concerning hoardings and signs.

France is by far the most polluted country in Europe by outside advertising. JC Decaux, the French multinational rivalises CBS and Clearchannel in creating worldwide visual pollution.

(Because of this)There is a strong and ever growing anti ad movement in France which sees citizens covering up the hoardings (as in this film), destroying them or defacing them and getting arrested to air the matter of the ad invasion in the courts.


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