<body> Public Ad Campaign: Jon Jackson, Adios LA
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Monday, January 10, 2011

Jon Jackson, Adios LA

Unurth is reporting on a new billboard project by the artist Jon Jackson called Adios LA. While I love the lack of commercial messaging and the inherently ambiguous nature of these signs, I do want to say this is not a takeover. The fact that these signs are made of vinyl means they were installed by CBS and were probably donated, or were paid for. That said, I think this is fun work and while not nearly as exciting or as engaged as the A Love Letter For You project, or as critical of economic relationships as Cash For Your Warhol, it does provide the viewer an opportunity to imagine their city as another character in their lives. Operating from comfortably within the current system which perpetuates outdoor advertisings preeminence in public space, this work does not have the punch I expect from unauthorized actions. but I am willing to enjoy it simply as good public media. Thanks Jon.

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