<body> Public Ad Campaign: ATH 1281 Using Free Public Space
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Monday, March 7, 2011

ATH 1281 Using Free Public Space

In New York there are a number of billboards along the BQE that were deemed illegal about a year ago. They have sat white, occasionally adorned by graf writers, for much of this time. It seems like Athens is having smiler issues, with similar results. The thought of having public media boards around the city, open for constant use and ultimately change, excites me.

Addventure: a project by
ath1281 x elias papanikolaou

in the summer of 2010 the vast
majority of athens’ outdoor signs were deemed illegal and were scheduled for takedown. However things are slow in our homeland so some of them stood for months, weeks or even days. It was only natural that such an opportunity wouldn't go to waste. It is not clear to us whether this was a legal action or not. One thing is for sure: it would certainly be illegal for the ATH PD.
anyway, this is our daily contribution, rushing after work and before the summer vacations to catch the little sunlight left — Enjoy! [Mini Site Here]

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any 3rd grader can do better work. Someone should kick that artist in the ass with that giant shoe of his. Does anyone else think a white billboard is just so much better. Or maybe get a real artist to paint something. Or better still, get rid of these eyesores, recycle the metal and donate the proceeds to art schools for street artists like this guy!


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