<body> Public Ad Campaign: Pantheon - A History of Art From the Streets of NYC
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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Pantheon - A History of Art From the Streets of NYC

Recently I was asked to be involved in the upcoming Pantheon Exhibition. While street art and graffiti histories are always suspect to me, Pantheon doesn't bill itself as "the" history but rather "a" history. The exhibition opens in April with a gallery show as well as a catalog with interviews and imagery intent on carving out a narrative for this long standing tradition of unauthorized public space usage. I look forward to seeing this project take shape and will post more information as it becomes available.

35 graffiti writers and street artists will unite to reclaim the former Donnell Library as a repository of visual information on the growing world-wide phenomenon of street art. This exhibition will present an art historical timeline that is a part of New York City's unique legacy. The artistic contribution of these cultural catalysts and preservationists from the 70's to the new millennium will address the ever-changing urban landscape and alternative modes of producing art in the streets. Pantheon Website.

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