<body> Public Ad Campaign: Credit Where Credit is Due
This blog is a resource for ad takeover artists and information about contemporary advertising issues in public space. If you have content you would like to share, please send us an email.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Credit Where Credit is Due

Photo Credit: Jaime Alekos

Photo Credit: Falansh
In my rush back from Madrid and the quick transition back to a hectic schedule in New York, it seems I made a terrible oversight. Jaime Alekos and Falansh are two amazing photographers that helped document the MASAT project as well as participate by giving text. Their photos are the only installation photos we have and their imagery is undoubtedly a huge part of the project. While I credited their work in my posts to this blog, I forgot to credit their work on the MaSAT website. These images were then picked up by other sites and distributed without credit. I sincerely apologize to both of them and ask that anyone using imagery off the MaSAT site give credit when the photos are attributed.

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