<body> Public Ad Campaign: Madrid Street Advertising Takeover Site is Live
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Friday, April 1, 2011

Madrid Street Advertising Takeover Site is Live

The MaSAT website is finally live. The action took place on 03-30-11 and resulted in 106 bus shelter advertising replacements with 106 text based public sentiments intent on creating public dialogues where once commercial messages stood firm. Although there were no arrests this time around, Cemusa was quick to remove our handiwork, replacing our imagery within 5 hours of its posting. I want to thank everyone who took the time to submit to this project as your words and thoughts are what made this project so powerful. The sheer range of sentiments was mind boggling and truly magnificent to behold.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Although there were no arrests this time around, Cemusa was quick to remove our handiwork, replacing our imagery within 5 hours of its posting. I want to thank everyone who took the time to submit to this project as your words and thoughts are what made this project so powerful. The sheer range of sentiments was mind boggling and truly magnificent to behold." J Selier

... Magnificent?

How does defacing other's property gets you banned from the High School prom in one city, and gets you a "magnificent to behold" quote in another city?



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