<body> Public Ad Campaign: Wellington Court Post Revision
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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Wellington Court Post Revision

Because this project isn't an advertising takeover I feel compelled to explain why I did it. Allison and Garrison are friends and the organizers of this event. I went to the celebratory party last year after they first launched the project. I was blown away by how the community responded and how it brought people together.
My campaign against advertising is in part because I think advertising promotes a self centered way of being. This egocentric vision of the world is not only destructive to us as individuals but also as a group and is completely incongruous with a public space that breeds community and interaction. In a city where we pile on top of one another, push and pull at each other in the search for our group identity, these things can be very important. Given the Wellington Court project was so clearly about bringing people together I felt it appropriate to participate. I will continue my campaign on the street despite the fun idea that for the first time I will have sometime up for more than a week.

Thank you so much to Allison and Garrison Buxton for putting this project together and to the neighborhood that has been brave enough to let it happen.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

"My campaign against guerrilla art is in part because I think guerrilla art promotes a self centered way of being. This egocentric vision of the world is not only destructive to us as individuals but also as a group and is completely incongruous with a public space that breeds community and interaction. In a city where we pile on top of one another, push and pull at each other in the search for our group identity, these things can be very important".

Couldn't have said it better myself...


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