<body> Public Ad Campaign: New Work For Art Basel Miami Underbelly Exhibition
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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

New Work For Art Basel Miami Underbelly Exhibition

Below are two pieces I made for the Underbelly Exhibition at Art Basel Miami this year. While I would love to go on about the Underbelly project, this may not be the appropriate venue so i'll just add a blurb about the work. Each of these pieces are made using a single book. In this case, Arizona is made with the Iliad and Lady Kaylin with the Odyssey. Each book is deconstructed and then reassembled as a single page which is then cut and reassembled in a relief layout. The drawing is made with ink and spray paint and fabric and the whole thing is illuminated with flickering LED lighting to give the appearance of an old broken fluorescent sign. This is then all assembled in my favorite frame appropriated from the streets of New York. Enjoy!
Arizona: Mixed media, 27"x57"x6"

Lady Kaylin: Mixed media, 27"x57"x6"

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