<body> Public Ad Campaign: Think Of Me As Evil - Opening the Ethical Debates in Advertising
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Monday, November 21, 2011

Think Of Me As Evil - Opening the Ethical Debates in Advertising

Depression, over consumption, global warming, economic inequality and a seemingly never ending list of problems haunt our society as we try to produce a livable and just social network around the world. Attacked individually these issues seem insurmountable, and yet this report by the PIRC and the WWF suggests that another simpler issue might be at the heart of each of these individual problems. You can guess what that issue is by the nature of this blog but I suggest reading this report for a better understanding of the systemic problems created by an overabundance of desire creation materials promoted by the advertising industry.


Blogger Tien Ban said...

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Blogger Tien Ban said...

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Blogger John Rowland said...

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Blogger Unknown said...

Các sản phẩm tien vang ma chúng tôi đang cung cáp đều có mẫu mã đẹp. Nhận hỗ trợ đặt mua số lượng lớn
xem thêm về tiền âm phủ Quyết Vượng

Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Blogger Tran Viet said...

Truy cập website: https://kemduongdangayvadem.blogspot.com để cập nhật những tin tức làm đẹp mới nhất

Blogger Unknown said...

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