<body> Public Ad Campaign: The Regret Project NYC
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Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Regret Project NYC

This ongoing user generated art project aims to spread private regrets in hopes of sparking public interactions. More Below or at The Regret Project.
Regret Project is a community-sourced public arts project in which I ask folks to submit (anonymously, if they wish) their greatest regrets with the promise that I will transform as many as possible into street art throughout New York City. It all started with a single regret via an anonymous facebook friend, and today I have received approximately 200 submissions. I'll continue to hold up my end of the bargain so long as I can afford it, and would love to collaborate with fellow street artists that might interpret the project differently--and with more aesthetic appeal. As always, every medium in the city will be considered conduit for the message of Regret Project which is, to me, carpe diem.

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