How Come the Billboard Companies Always Seem to Be in Cahoots with the Wrong Side?
VIA The Atlantic Cities
Billboard Intimidation of the Day: Anti-Voter Fraud Signs in Ohio and Wisconsin
Here's the latest from the voter intimidation front: over a hundred billboards in black and Hispanic neighborhoods of Cleveland, Milwaukee and Columbus that warn of the consequences of voter fraud. "VOTER FRAUD IS A FELONY," the signs read, over an image of a judge's gavel, "Up to 3 1/2 years & $10,000 fine." Voter fraud is less common than UFO sightings. Wisconsin, in the presidential election year of 2004, had seven incidents of voter fraud. More [HERE]
Billboard Intimidation of the Day: Anti-Voter Fraud Signs in Ohio and Wisconsin
Here's the latest from the voter intimidation front: over a hundred billboards in black and Hispanic neighborhoods of Cleveland, Milwaukee and Columbus that warn of the consequences of voter fraud. "VOTER FRAUD IS A FELONY," the signs read, over an image of a judge's gavel, "Up to 3 1/2 years & $10,000 fine." Voter fraud is less common than UFO sightings. Wisconsin, in the presidential election year of 2004, had seven incidents of voter fraud. More [HERE]
Labels: billboards, legal, news articles
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