<body> Public Ad Campaign: What Should New York's Phone Booth of the Future Look Like?
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Monday, December 10, 2012

What Should New York's Phone Booth of the Future Look Like?

While I am positive this will not eliminate the advertising on the sides of phonebooths, re-imagining NY's iconic sidewalk stalwart in this day and age is a good idea. Community hubs sounds like a good place to start to me. Submit your proposals to the Reinvent Payphones Page!

VIA CurbedNY
When was the last time you used a public phone booth? There are still 11,000 of them around the city (down from 35,000 15 years ago), but thanks to cell phones, most people barely even think about pay phones, let alone use them. People have experimented with transforming the booths into things like mini libraries and...More [HERE]

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