<body> Public Ad Campaign: Partizaning - Participatory Urban Replanning
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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Partizaning - Participatory Urban Replanning

Shriya Malhotra just did a nice interview piece over at Partizaning, a wonderful urban activism site everyone should check out [HERE]

Our cities are increasingly dominated by advertisements. Media literacy is taken for granted, and people seem unaware of the thousands of images they are absorbing each day, or of the impact they might have. In 2007, the mayor of the Brazilian city of São Paulo passed a ‘clean city law’, forbidding any form of commercial communication outdoors. And as a result, artists started to occupy walls with colors and shapes. But legalities aside, globally, people are retaliating against the capitalist domination of free space by ad-busting and hacking billboards to un-clutter public space.

For the complete interview [HERE]

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