<body> Public Ad Campaign: Actually Worthwhile Advertising: a Water-Producing Billboard
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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Actually Worthwhile Advertising: a Water-Producing Billboard

In an uncharacteristic move, this billboard actually gives back to the community.

Lima is the second-largest city in the world to be situated in a desert, right behind sand-blasted Cairo. That means the Peruvian capital's 7.6 million residents have a great and persistent thirst for clean water, which certainly isn't being fed by the 1.1 inches of rain Lima received during an average year.

The coastal city does have one great source of water, though. It's in the air. Peruvians have their faces dampened each day by an extraordinary amount of humidity, which reaches 98 percent saturation on some days. Now, an unlikely alliance of scientists and advertisers have figured out a way to take that damp air and in effect squeeze it like a sponge, producing tasty torrents of fresh agua for Peruvians to slurp. More [HERE]

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