Ed Ruscha - the "Your Space" Series
Ed Ruscha
These Ed Ruscha drawings aren't ad takeovers, but they reminded me of a series of photographs that I want to take, but likely never will. In NYC, billboards along the BQE have been in legal limbo for quite some time. In fact I think at this point they have actually been abandoned by the ad companies, although im not positive. The structures sit empty, giant black or white blank canvases on the horizon. Some of them aren't even faced, and their skeletons loom large as you drive this major thoroughfare through Brooklyn. The landscapes these empty signifiers create by juxtaposing themselves against the dense background of the city is beautiful, and ripe for your imagination. Happy to drive by them when chance permits, I'd like to capture their power over the landscape before they finally disappear.
I found this example of someone else's take on the empty beauty HERE
Ed RuschaEd Ruscha
Labels: Art, billboards, illegal advertising, NYC, Other Artists, random thoughts
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