<body> Public Ad Campaign: Scratch-Off Bus Stop Ads Reveal Hidden Art
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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Scratch-Off Bus Stop Ads Reveal Hidden Art

VIA: Gizmodo
Oh, bus stop ads: so often a target for vandals and bored commuters. But here's a clever ad that invites you to deface it. Underneath an unassuming black-and-white ad for a museum exhibition is a whole world of hidden art.

To advertise its new archaeology-as-art exhibit, The Way of the Shovel, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago is asking bystanders to excavate their own art. With a coin or even a fingernail, you can scratch out your own design or dig out a piece of the artwork underneath. The museum got permission to create the scratchable ads from JCDecaux, the company that owns the Chicago bus shelters and many, many others worldwide. More [HERE]

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