258 Calls Out The Industry With This Interactive Billboard
Just got this very nice email from 258 in the UK. Its heartening to see the PublicAdCampaign project influencing people around the world as it is a labor of love.
More from 258 [HERE]
Hey Jordan,
I don’t know if you take submissions for your blog but I thought I would email you over the piece of work I have just completed now I have some better documentation of it in action and very nearly almost put it on their blog.
The billboard appears blank at first but is user activated, as you walk past the piece, sensors are triggered and turn lights on one by one revealing a hidden word, WANKERS, my interpretation on what the bosses of these outdoor advertising companies think of us, the people who have to use this space without ever having had any say if advertising was ok. If we wish to not be exposed to adverts on the internet, tv or radio then we can stop using these things, we cannot however stop using public space and if we try to put our own messages in that space we are the ones ridiculed.
Anyway thanks for taking the time to read this as you know i'm a big fan of what you do and the message/knowledge public ad campaign spreads. Below is a link to my site & a link to a short video of the billboard in action (a longer version is set to follow).
Kind Regards 258
Labels: billboards, Other Artists, technology, UK, video
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