<body> Public Ad Campaign: The Empty-Project Keeps the Conversation Going in Madrid
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Friday, May 16, 2014

The Empty-Project Keeps the Conversation Going in Madrid

Pedro Sega sent over this little blurb about The Empty-Project, a series of ongoing ad takeovers on the streets of Madrid. What I love about The Empty-Project is that it is an ongoing conversation that anyone can get involved in just by contacting the organizers. The text below is a brutal Google translation from the original Spanish text. I would suggest visiting the Empty-Project website [HERE]

VIA: Le Cool

Despite its name, Empty Project is a project all but empty. This name, however, serves to bring together, under one umbrella, a series of ephemeral interventions by different public spaces in Madrid. They collaborate artists related to urban art, illustration, photography, music and poetry and all of them are worth the paper as support for expressing any criticism. The project began in February with the interventions of artist Pedro Sega (which made ​​the cover of our newsletter a few months ago) in four shelters in central Madrid and the idea is to continue to live on the proposals to be them coming from now. If you are an artist or you're not but you have a protest proposal you'd like to see exposed in the streets of Madrid, do not hesitate to write to team Empty Project, which will be responsible for carrying out the most transgressive. Untranslated original [HERE]

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