<body> Public Ad Campaign: Watch This Now
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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Watch This Now

NO AD DAY - 2014 from Vermibus on Vimeo.
A while back, Vermibus put together a international NOAD day in which participation was open and the objective simple. Remove as much advertising as you could and free public space of the commercial burden right before international buy nothing day. The first year, participants were mostly those within the anti public advertising movement, but the hope is that year by year the project will grow to include a much larger and diverse group of individuals who share a concern about our over consumption of consumer messages.

This video was released over a month ago and I am very late posting it but please give it a watch. This is an important issue and Vermibus' work is aimed at highlighting it in a serious and meaningful manner.

I look forward to next year and watching this project grow. 

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