<body> Public Ad Campaign: Soren Solkaer is Offering A Signed Book to NO AD Users
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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Soren Solkaer is Offering A Signed Book to NO AD Users

As many PublicAdCampaign readers know, the NO AD mobile app has been running for close to a year now, exhibiting a wonderfully diverse lineup of shows. From Sebastiao Salgado, to a group show of Gif artists, we have been trying to keep things exciting for those long term users we love so much. It has always been a hope of ours to encourage user participation, as well as offer prints or art through the app, so we are excited to announce a little contest.

If this is all new to you, visit the NO AD website [HERE]

This month, NO AD is exhibiting 100 images from the Surface Project by Soren Solkaer, and he has decided to make things interesting by offering a signed copy of the Surface book to the NO AD user who finds the most images, takes a screenshot, and posts it to Instagram with the hashtag #sorensolkaer. For instance, tagging the image below gets you two points towards a win. May 30th NO AD will change content and the contest will be over. Soren will tally the hastaged posts and contact the winner directly shortly after. Happy Hunting!

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Blogger Jim Rhodes said...

Sure, I will visit this site. And you can check this https://essaydragon.com/blog/write-essay-tips page meanwhile. Alright?


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