<body> Public Ad Campaign: Banksy's Dismaland: 'amusements and anarchism' in artist’s biggest project yet
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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Banksy's Dismaland: 'amusements and anarchism' in artist’s biggest project yet

Oh the missed opportunities. Banksy recently opened a theme park with a decidedly twisted facade. While its all fun and games ridicule of mass spectacle culture, there is a wonderfully anarchistic prize to be taken home in lieu of the shitty stuffed animals that one usually wanders away with at these things. For 5 Pounds you can get an Adshel bus shelter key and presumably a little walkthrough on how to use it. 
In one tent would-be anarchists can find out how to unlock the Adshel posters seen at bus stops. For £5 people can buy the tools to break into them, replacing the official posters with any propaganda they please. Is it legal? “It’s not illegal,” said the vendor.
We couldn't agree more. If you want keys of your own, try this LINK
He describes it as a “family theme park unsuitable for small children” – and with the Grim Reaper whooping it up on the dodgems and Cinderella horribly mangled in a pumpkin carriage crash, it is easy to see why. More [HERE]

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