<body> Public Ad Campaign: New PublicAdCampaign Street/Gallery Work - Collisions 2015
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Monday, February 22, 2016

New PublicAdCampaign Street/Gallery Work - Collisions 2015

In 2015 I installed three simple black and white designs over three consecutive advertising panels in order to create a stark contrast with the environment that would arrest viewers and allow them to see that an intervention had taken place. I have since then continued to make interventions using this same design motif, calling it the Collisions series. Here are a few images from that series thus far. 
I have also been experimenting with Augmented Reality and my gallery work so if you are feeling ambitious, download the PublicAdCampaign app (700mb) for iOS [HERE] and Android [HERE] Once you launch the app, point it at any of the images below and enjoy some extra content buried in the digital world. 
NYC, 2015
Berlin, 2015
Paris, 2015
Paris, 2015
Barcelona, 2015
Brussels, 2015
Brussels, 2015
London, 2015
London, 2015
London, 2015
London, 2015
Paris, 2015

Collaboration with OX, Paris 2015

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Blogger Felix Turner said...

This is real public art. Genius!


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