<body> Public Ad Campaign: Philadelphia kicks of spring with new ad busts
This blog is a resource for ad takeover artists and information about contemporary advertising issues in public space. If you have content you would like to share, please send us an email.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Philadelphia kicks of spring with new ad busts

RJ over at Vandalog facilitated getting a dozen or so Philadelphia PublicAccess keys into the hands of local artists a few months back. The result? lots of art on the streets and of surprisingly good quality for that matter. Normally, artists don't take a huge amount of time crafting thier ad-takeover pieces, knowing full well that they will be removed, and likely trashed days if not hours after being installed. In many ways, ad-takeovers are the ultimate in ephemerality and the photo documentation serves as the protest as much, if not more than, the actual installation. As RJ has mentioned in the past, the internet has been incredibly important for the ad-takeover movement. Here are two great pieces by Joe Boruchow and NDAxHellbent. There's been a lot more work than this but you will just have to go searching the web yourself to find it.

VIA: Vandalog
NDA and Hellbent
Joe Boruchow
More [HERE]

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