<body> Public Ad Campaign: Common Cause Foundation
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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Common Cause Foundation

The Common Cause foundation looks at the way the values we choose to champion are determined in large part by the cultural frames under which we live. Surround yourself with imagery that orients you inward towards self interest, and sure enough you don't care much for environmental issues, economic justice, or minority rights. It sounds obvious but when the largest corporations in the world are attempting to reach into your pockets, they draw on the language of self interest, and through repetition this language is fundamentally altering your outlook on life. Yes you are a good person, but how much better of a person might you be if you didn't have the world around you framed by a delusional interest in the self....
From the Common Cause Foundation website
"A large body of evidence shows that values of are central importance in leading people to express concern about social and environmental issues – whether this concern is expressed by changing aspects of day-to-day behaviour, by becoming politically involved, or by volunteering.

A common set of values, which we call compassionate values, underpin such social and environmental concern. Everyone holds these values to some extent – indeed the majority of people privilege these values above all others. More [HERE]


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