<body> Public Ad Campaign: Lena Dunham Calls for Altering of Gun-Toting 'Jason Bourne' Subway Ads
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Friday, July 22, 2016

Lena Dunham Calls for Altering of Gun-Toting 'Jason Bourne' Subway Ads

Looks like someone out there shares my thoughts on gun advertising and our public interest. In part this idea came from a series of images that Jon Burgerman did using advertising violence and a little photoshop to make some wonderfully fun critical commentary. See them all [HERE]

VIA: The Hollywood Reporter
In light of the recent shooting tragedies that have occurred in the U.S., Lena Dunham is in full support of ripping gun images out of the new Jason Bourne subway ads.

After producer Tami Sagher proposed removing images of the gun that Matt Damon’s titular character is seen holding in the film’s ads, the creator and star of HBO's Girls reposted Sagher’s message. In full support of bringing awareness to gun control, Dunham captioned the photo: “Good idea @tulipbone! Let's go!” More [HERE]

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