<body> Public Ad Campaign: The Ad Feels a Bit Like Oscar Bait, but It’s Trying to Sell You an iPhone
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Monday, April 3, 2017

The Ad Feels a Bit Like Oscar Bait, but It’s Trying to Sell You an iPhone

This isnt outdoor advertising related but I take interest in how advertising is morphing as it becomes more common for people the bemoan its attention grabbing and manipulative ways. Here the answer seems to be companies trying to make advertising that is more engaging and less repugnant to viewers. What this strategy does not address is the underlying fact that we dont want to be manipulated and this masking of the methods of manipulation only shines the turd, but does nothing to get rid of its foul stench.

VIA: The NY Times
Carrie Brownstein, the actress known for the series “Portlandia,” wrote and directed a short film last fall that pokes fun at the exaggerated comments people post under pictures of celebrities on social media, showing what would happen if reverential remarks like “Mom” or “marry me” played out in the real world. More [HERE]

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