<body> Public Ad Campaign: Cemusa NYC
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Friday, July 18, 2008

Cemusa NYC

Not so recently Cemusa outdoor began installing new bus stop and magazine kiosk outdoor furniture in NYC. The new bus stops are equipped with pertinent public transportation information as well as rotating advertising allowing twice the number of ads to be placed in the same amount of space. Along with these "improvements" the new bus stops from what I've been told are equipped with bluetooth technology allowing them to beam pertinent transportation information along with advertising to bluetooth equipped devices being carried by pedestrians and motorists. We will see what comes of this but in the meantime I think its worth checking out their website and taking a look at the language they use to justify their current project.

If you dont want to look at the site at least read what they say about their NYC endeavor on their splash page.

As a global company with successful street furniture contracts around the world, Cemusa is pleased to announce the addition of New York City to its portfolio. Cemusa worked in partnership with the city of New York to provide street furniture that boasts contemporary, eye-catching design, enhances New York's dynamic street life and features the highest level of quality to face unpredictable weather conditions.

After establishing its North American headquarters in New York City, Cemusa continues to strengthen the city's economy by bringing significant revenue to the city and creating numerous jobs through the use of local vendors for the design, manufacturing, installation and maintenance of the structures. Cemusa is proud to provide New York residents with added safety, security and comfort in public transportation.

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