<body> Public Ad Campaign: Mia Nilsson | Levis 501 “Live Unbuttoned” Art Wall
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Mia Nilsson | Levis 501 “Live Unbuttoned” Art Wall

Point made. The intersection of Street Art and public advertising negates all of Street Art's power to communicate individual messages and instead champions the market as the only voice worth listening to.

from Hypebeast Luis Ruano

Two years in the making, Levis found their creative mind to showcase his/her artwork at a wall in Stockholm. With the help of Vice Magazine, a list of 200 contributors was narrowed to the winner, Mia Nilsson. Her illustration can be seen at Grevturegatan 8, on a 5 X 11 meter wall for the next couple of months. Following an inspiration of childhood memories, Mia’s Levis 501 campaign showcases a nostalgic experience of kids trying to be cool in their 501’s.

See more at Mia Nilsson | Levis 501 “Live Unbuttoned” Art Wall

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