<body> Public Ad Campaign: Pushing the Envelop When Art's Just Not Enough
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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Pushing the Envelop When Art's Just Not Enough

This post is in response to the comment string left on the last post regarding PosterBoy's illegal billboard takedown.

The fact of the matter is attention needs to be drawn to this issue. With such amazing work being done and little attention being paid outside the art community, maybe it takes something outside of conventional means like PosterBoy's billboard takedown to actually address the problem. Here are some examples of illegal work that openly challenges advertising's messages and more importantly use of public space, yet hasn't managed to get your panties in a bunch.

Doctor D-London

Peter Fuss-Unknown

Jordan Seiler-New York City



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Anonymous Anonymous said...

None of those puts the the public that you so call care about in danger like poster boy's billboard take down.Bottom line is what he did was extremely dangerous to himself and the public who walks and drives under that overpass in brooklyn on Broadway and Havemeyer St,

Anonymous Anonymous said...

in my opinion i think YOU are more of a danger to the general populous than poster boy's billboard take down could ever be. we get your point, okay? anything and everything in this life each and everyday can become potentially dangerous to the public. you have to do your work and know that there are consequences to it if anything happens. poster boy isn't unfamiliar with this. in a few words: get a clue!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Posterboy and you are clueless on the danger that put on the public .My words arent putting anyone in danger you guys are!

Blogger Taylor Bara said...

It is time to learn how to write a perfect essay https://writemyessay4me.org/blog/essay-writing-tips.

Blogger Jim Rhodes said...

So, you like street art? I think you will like this https://paperovernight.com/blog/philosophy-paper service for sure. Bye!


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