<body> Public Ad Campaign: Princess Hijab Hits Paris Again!
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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Princess Hijab Hits Paris Again!

This newest piece from Princess Hijab was recently photographed by Christophe Meiries in Paris. The image shows a level of detail and sophistication I haven't seen in the Princess's work thus far. I like it a lot and I hope to see more soon.

As I have no contact with the artist, I may make assumptions here that aren't true. Please forgive me. As I understand it, this project isn't ultimately about the companies behind the advertisements, so much as it is about the proliferation of a cultural minority in media more generally. Despite this I still wish the logos were removed along with the "hijabizing," as the artist calls it. Without the company logo, the image refers only to the artist, whereas with the logo the image is somehow still a bastardized ad for Arena, but an ad nonetheless. I understand the artist might want the viewer to associate the new media content with the company, but that's just my thought on the matter.

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Blogger adriana said...

absolutely, you want to fully hijack the provided canvas for your own purposes (that's the only useful thing about a large scale ad like this really, that it provides you with something to work with), that means erasing the logo. Everybody knows it originally was an ad anyway..


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