<body> Public Ad Campaign: Thom Flynn-Doing God's Work In Washington DC Since '99
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Friday, October 30, 2009

Thom Flynn-Doing God's Work In Washington DC Since '99

Photo by Allison Shelley

I came across your website and I'm impressed with your campaign. I've been on a similar mission in Washington DC since '99. I'm reclaiming the wheatpasted walls by peeling away and/or prying off the posters. It's not an easy process, sometimes necessitating a crowbar, but I've always embraced the questionable legality. People ask what I'm doing (including the cops), but after saying it's a community service they normally leave me alone... others just assume I work for the billboard company. The posters are recycled into my art, taking the form of large abstract "paintings". Attached are a couple images just to give you an idea of what I'm up to. Perhaps we could collaborate in the future? In the meantime, keep up the good work!

Thom Flynn

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