How Many Billboards?, Los Angeles
According to Unurth this morning, the How Many Billboards Project has begun. Not all of the artworks have been put up but I expect more will follow shortly. We are super excited to see LA begin to consider the role of media in public space and its tendency to obliterate other forms of visual practices. I hope a project like this can spark the imagination of many and allow them to ponder alternative uses of our shared environment.
VIA Unurth
Kerry Tribe
For several days this billboard has been pleasing, entertaining and intriguing me.
I've finally found out that it's part of 'How many billboards?', a project by the MAK Center for Art and Architecture. It's like a glossier, more authorized version of the New York Street Advertising Takeover (NYSAT). (MORE HERE)
VIA Unurth

For several days this billboard has been pleasing, entertaining and intriguing me.
I've finally found out that it's part of 'How many billboards?', a project by the MAK Center for Art and Architecture. It's like a glossier, more authorized version of the New York Street Advertising Takeover (NYSAT). (MORE HERE)
Labels: ad takeovers, billboard takeovers, billboards, LA, Other Artists, public art, public/private
Nice. Every vacant billboard should take a cue from this image. That said, if it is a takeover, then it still is illegal because who gives them the right? Remember.... 2wrongsdontmakeitright
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