Smart License Plates: A Very Dumb Idea?
Do you think the idea of California license plates than can show electronic ads is:
1. A great idea, about time.
2. Possibly questionable, but let’s study it.
3. One of the top ten worst ideas of all time.
If you answered yes to #1, don’t bother reading further. If you answered yes to #2, you’re in line with 25 California State Senators who voted to do just that, study the idea. If you answered yes to #3, you can spend the rest of the day (or evening) pondering how woefully befuddled those legislators are to even spend a minute contemplating the idea.
The perpetrator-in-chief is Los Angeles area Senator Curren Price, who apparently sniffs some revenue for a state in perpetual budget crisis as well as perpetual paralysis between cutting spending and raising taxes. How much revenue? Who knows? In numerous news articles on the subject, Price is quoted as saying that he’s only proposing a study of the idea, and that the study will not be funded by the state? Huh? Who will fund it, then? And how will that affect the objectivity of the study’s conclusions?
Here’s the legislative analysis of the proposal. And below is one of the TV news pieces on the issue, with pros (gulp) and cons.
Labels: AAA, ad creep, Ban Billboard Blight, public advertising
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