<body> Public Ad Campaign: The SMSL Slingshot: Public Media Production Tool
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The SMSL Slingshot: Public Media Production Tool

The SMSL Slingshot is an interesting tool for public communication and appropriation of media space from the good people at VR Urban. If somehow the SMSL virtual paint balls could be shot at active commercial billboards, hacking the display to present the unauthorized SMSL messages, this would be the most amazing piece of gadgetry ever invented. Either way I love it.

Because of the increased commercial interest of paving public space with digital advertising screens the need for an accessibel intervention devices seemed obvious and necessary. The wish and habit to comment (tag) the surrounding world is also an ancient and still vivant phenomena we try to preserve. Our concept of VR/Urban aims for claiming back urban space and and give the inhabitants a tool for occupiing urban screens. People shall not only remain as a passive audience, they must obtain the privilege and beside that the right tools to create their own multimedia content in the streets. The more and more mushrooming media facades, LED supplied walls and huge projections are interesting and worthy technical innovations for the people, but in contrast to the old fashioned posters in the streets, it is nearly impossible to create own content for these facades or even hang up your digital video. [More Here]

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