<body> Public Ad Campaign: Lister Covered By Ads, Big Surprise!
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Friday, August 5, 2011

Lister Covered By Ads, Big Surprise!

First off, I'm sorry. I have been so busy with things I have horribly neglected this site and for this I apologize. I should rename the link monthly.publicadcampaign.com at this point. That said I'm taking off for a Euro art/speaking tour on the 13th and wont be posting for a month so I double apologize. Ill get back on it when I return as I will be in the studio working on gallery stuff for a good few months, promise.
Lister 2011
Lister put up a whole bunch of murals in LA and it seems one was recently covered by illegal ads, probably from Contest Promotions. Melrose and Fairfax has the scoop and everybody is all up in arms about it as if this wasn't the inevitable outcome. We are at war people! Not Street artists but the public at large. Public space is not yours but rather the plaything of a multibillion dollar business we call out of home advertising. It rules your public environment with an iron fist and until you object it will continue to desecrate your most sacred idols and permeate your inner thoughts. Revolt against its use of your shared environment and rise up against its assumed authority over your shared public spaces.
Advertising 2011

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