<body> Public Ad Campaign: Tactics of Engagement in Art - Matthew Tedford
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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tactics of Engagement in Art - Matthew Tedford

Matthew Tedford spoke with me about public space and artistic activism for his masters thesis a while back. his insight into the projects goals and expectations is pretty spot on and if ever anyone wanted an academic framing of the NYSAT project, this video is a wonderful aid.
without spoiling the content of the video I will pull out this one quote which is an argument against a typical response to the SAT projects that bemoans the "quality" of the artworks produced under police surveillance and impending arrest.
"politics springs forth from a pluralism of members within a given community. if a space of freedom and action exists debate and contestation between these members produces politics. such a precept implies that the context and the display of an artwork is as important to its political efficacy as its formal characteristics."
View more by Matthew Tedford on his Tumblr [HERE]

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