BC Bierman and I are currently working on an Augmented Reality project which will attempt to provide a public media option to those without the means to purchase public space or those who are not fortunate enough to own a property whose facade faces our shared public environment. In doing so we hope to raise questions about who controls public space and what access will look like in the Augmented future. Ill post more on this as we begin to develop our platform and move on to curating the project. Until then here is an interesting write up on BC's work with AR and his thoughts on its use for the public good. Enjoy!
"I’m one of several people who write about how augmented reality will change the world some day. BC “Heavy” Biermann is one of the few people currently helping to make that happen. In addition to working as an assistant professor of media, BC is the founder and developer behind The Heavy Projects, the brains behind several innovative AR projects. In the course of preparing my upcoming talk on “Augmented Reality and Social Change,” I had the great fortune of talking to BC and learning more about his vision of our augmented future."More [HERE]
Labels: Augmented Reality, criticism, Other Artists
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