<body> Public Ad Campaign: Out of Home and Out of Control
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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Out of Home and Out of Control

Paula Rees who tipped us off the the legal gymnastics taking place in Seattle runs a website aptly called Out of Home Out of Control. As an activist myself I know what it takes to keep a site like this running and I commend Paula's effort wholeheartedly.

While words are good for some things, visual examples are often the best way to communicate about the visual environment. This site is a place to present, explore, and discuss what’s happening in our outdoor space, especially that space which belongs to us, the commons.

Who controls our public realm? Should only the few mega-media corporations benefit while paying practically nothing for the privilege? Ads unrelated to place are becoming more distracting as they compete with our local character.

As they become larger, brighter and faster — what is the impact? How does it affect our children and us? What will or should the future look like? Why should we care?



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