<body> Public Ad Campaign: Office of Freedom from Advertising and Good Living - Ad Free in 2014!
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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Office of Freedom from Advertising and Good Living - Ad Free in 2014!

Luna Park turned me on to the "Office of Freedom from Advertising and Good Living", a Berlin based community organization attempting to make several neighborhoods ad free by 2014. I share many of their concerns and am excited to see such a hands on and practical approach to carving out even a small area of ad free space in our cities. What they are doing could provide us all with an example of how individual communities can truly alter their shared visual environment and in doing so help promote a more active and engaged citizenry. Sounds like a place I would like to live.

Take a look at their website [HERE] for more information on their activities and goals. And on a complete side note, is it strange to anyone else that their action took place on april 25th, the date of the first NYSAT and what I am beginning to think might be a great international takeover day. hmmm...

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