<body> Public Ad Campaign: Berlin Werbefrei - Working On An Ad Free Berlin
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Thursday, February 8, 2018

Berlin Werbefrei - Working On An Ad Free Berlin

I am excited to see Berlin Werbefrei organizing to make Berlin Ad free. It would be incredible to see such a large city make that kind of quality of life decision, in particular because the way advertising litters Berlin seems in some way to be possible because of how tolerance of is a part of the attitude of the city itself.

If you have ever been to Berlin you are familiar with the semi lawless attitude towards how the city is used that has created a thriving public culture. Outdoor beer gardens, heavy use of public parks for socializing, squats, street art, graffiti, bike culture, are all positive examples of a city that is tolerant with how it is described on a day to day basis. This has also led to a lot of advertising, wildposting and other street communications. These ads mix with a healthy dose of public communication that makes the city streets ripe with information and a place for cultural notification and ingestion. 

While getting rid of the ads is a good, no great idea, it should be noted that the type of crackdown on advertising, particularly when it is done under the auspices of quality of life improvement and aesthetic concerns, can have far reaching effects that aren't always positive for a free wheeling town like Berlin. I hope Berlin Werbefrei is able to create a distinction between the advertising that litters the city and the more local public communications that should be considered a vital part of their public culture and deserve amnesty from any impending laws. 

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