<body> Public Ad Campaign: Cause This Fits In Nicely
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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cause This Fits In Nicely

Not only does this urban scrawl attack the product being sold, but it addresses one of my concerns with public advertising. Outdoor advertising in public spaces transforms those locations into environments intended for commerce and thus for private agendas. Maybe the subway was once a transportation system, but today it is a carefully crafted advertising distribution system with a controlled target audience. These NPA City Outdoor ads turn our city streets into private messaging boards sold off to the highest bidder. In the process, my interest in painting political messages about the failure of our city government is criminalized and my public voice silenced.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

you crack me up

keep up the work

I thought Obama was going to save the world?

Blogger Jordan Seiler said...

I shouldn't respond to you but I can't help it. You crack me up to. The fact that you read this site so intently is amazing to me. We should meet and have a staring contest. I bet I'd win.


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