<body> Public Ad Campaign: How Pay-Per-Gaze Advertising Could Work With Google Glass
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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

How Pay-Per-Gaze Advertising Could Work With Google Glass

I have a friend who studied seccadic eye movement at CUNY and now works for the NIH doing research mapping visual attention and the brain. A while back we were talking about a familiar response from media savvy citizens to the simple question, "How do you feel about outdoor advertising?" Many of them answer that they simply don't look at advertising, suggesting that the question is irrelevant or has no bearing on them, presumably because they know not to look at ads and can exercise that choice at will. 
Quit simply, your eye is looking at a lot more than you are aware or conscious of but that is processed and used to make complex decisions. While citizens may feel like they arent looking at ads, chances are they are processing a great deal of messages, if not simply the larger consumption message that is imposed by the plethora of outdoor media. We thought it would be a good idea to fashion a portable version of the eye tracking software and hardware used in his lab in order to prove that despite your best efforts, you're still paying attention. 
I looks like Google beat us to the punch. 

Google wants to see what you see. And then, of course, make money from those images.
The company was recently awarded a patent that puts forth an idea for pay-per-gaze advertising — a way in which people interacting with ads in the real world could be analyzed in the digital world. More [HERE]

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