<body> Public Ad Campaign: PosterBoy gets Rowdy
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Monday, January 12, 2009

PosterBoy gets Rowdy

In this video PosterBoy tests the ease of removal/alteration of billboard sized vinyl signs. It's my understanding that he was attempting to release the vinyl in a way that would have allowed the top half to fold over the bottom half, leaving a blank canvas. On this new white wall he could have written whatever he chose. It was 27 degrees out and ice had covered everything earlier that evening. At the end of the video you can see instead of folding over, the right hand side of the vinyl was frozen stiff and dragged the bottom half down with the top as it came undone. This is a big hit, and if PosterBoy makes it work you will be seeing some of the largest ad takeovers I've ever seen happening soon. Stay tuned for more to come as I'm sure this isn't the last we will see of PosterBoy.

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Blogger Unknown said...

That is fantastic. It creates in the heart a wild feeling of joy, release, vindication.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for posting this

this has now been sent to Van Wagner and the police

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have just sent Juster to the Van Wagner Police

Blogger Unknown said...

What do you mean you 'just sent Juster to the VW Police'? I don't understand-

Blogger Jordan Seiler said...

Justin, I'm honestly curious why you would do that? I can think of many reasons but I would love to know yours.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best is that's it is an in-house ad sort to speak. With the economy down, dudes can't even sell the space. So, nicely done.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I meant to say Justin not Juster and I was trying to be funny, but It was a lame joke. I just wanted to come off as being unaffected by Justin's comment.

Blogger Unknown said...

Did Justin turn Jordan in? Or was it supposed to be funny?

Because the work is important. 21st century citizens can't afford to be oblivious to the ubiquity and scale of ads in the urban environment; nor the very thorny and complicated issues of legality/morality in conceptual/public art.

Just somebody tell me it was a joke.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I could say Justin was joking. doesn't seem like it though but I'm not that surprised. It comes with the territory.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good thing you didnt hit that pedestrian.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

For an ad free society
All ads are lies
Don't be fooled by corporate propaganda


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